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Saturday, November 30, 2013

The Last Train To Berlin

(Ever so often I have to share to the world one of the most influential songs/videos of my early life...

In poetry form!)

The Last Train To Berlin

I am now a life hungry 23 years old!
Fresh out of college!
Green as a fresh sapling!
Afraid of what women will do to me if they get their hands on me!

One late night, I heard this song.
I just discovered Berlin.
I just discovered my lust for Terri Nunn!
I just discovered that if I was going to grow as a man...
I needed to go to the place where this music was born.

In this place resided the misfits.
In this place resided the queers.
In this place resided the mixing of colored skin.
In this place resided women who did not fear... SEX!
In this place resided women who wanted what was right!

Choices were made during those long nights.
Most of them were very right!
And some of them were very, very wrong!
Several one night stands... should have been life time bands!
The darkness surround a song can make the light too bright!
I ignored that light too many times.

But, eventually you change.
Eventually, you conform.
Eventually, you become a part of the mainstream.
And then you must rely on memories of the past.
Memories of the past... to help you remember...
Why you are alive today to remember the past.
To remember... the good goddamn times!


Friday, November 1, 2013

Germany... Please Forgive The Republican-American Political Cowboy Mentality

Dear Angela Merkel,
Chancellor of Germany...
Only a total moronic boob,
Guised in the form of a USA President,
Would walk up to you from behind and...
In a disrespectful idiot cowboy mentality...
Place both uninvited hands onto your shoulders --
Frightening you half to death.

The sane,
Respectful Americans...
Apologize for the way American men treat women.

If you add American style Republicanism into the mix,
With its racism,
And its sexism,
And its homophobia,
And its hateful religion,
And its backwoods hillbilly thinking --
You get paranoid craziness that makes America look stupid!

Soon you find out that America --
The Republican crazy part of the American government --
Is reverting back to the 1950‘s past,
When American white men completely controlled government,
And they believed EVERYTHING not like them was evil!
And so... you find out you are being spied on through your telephones.

Is this present President the reason for the spying?
Believe us, Germany...
The Republicans in charge of that activity keep dark secrets --
Even from this black President they HATE so much!
There are truly evil Republican men, 
And Republican women, 
In American politics today.

Please be patience with the reasonable Americans because...
We will soon begin to purge these idiots from American politics!
Believe me when I say...
The sane Americans, 
Have had enough,
Thank you for being a great lady.
And, we really do respect you.


Wednesday, October 30, 2013


I am an American man.
I am a brown skinned American man.
I am a brown skinned American black man.
I am a brown skinned American black man belonging to who?

I am American!
I am American African!
I am American African Native...
I am American African Native American combined into a racist's wet dream!

I have lived half a century.
I have lived half a century introspectively.
I have lived half a century introspectively crying!
I have lived half a century introspectively crying for my lost humanity.

Being a black American sucks!
Being a black American sucks poison!
Being a black American sucks poison death!
Being a black American sucks poison death from lead bullets and politics!

My psyche is under assault.
My psyche is under assault, constantly.
My psyche is under assault, constantly daily.
My psyche is under assault, constantly daily by blackfaced racist!

I often wonder why.
I often wonder why hatred.
I often wonder why hatred exists.
I often wonder why hatred exists in racist minds in my American dream.

Who do I belong to?
Who do I belong to here?
Who do I belong to here today?
Who do I belong to here today as I search for my identity?

My American dream...
My American dream nightmare...
My American dream nightmare slices...
My American dream nightmare slices me to the core of my soul!

Is my soul mine?
Is my soul mine forever?
Is my soul mine forever, unless?
Is my soul mine forever, unless it is stripped from me by my racist country?

I am an American man.
I am a brown skinned American man.
I am a brown skinned American black man.
I am a brown skinned American black man belonging to who?


Thursday, October 10, 2013

Those So Blinded By The Cell Phone

I do not own a smart phone.
I NEVER carry a cell phone on my person.
My old flip phone stays on a desk in a back room.
I will not allow that monster to rule my soul.

I will NEVER be seen walking a street with my head, 
And consciousness, 
Buried in the frightening glow of a cellular phone!
My awareness will always be on my physical surroundings!

When I was in my twenties...
If I wanted to use the telephone I had to physically get off my ass and walk over to the phone, pick it up and place it to my ears.
I had to use physical effort to move my body to take a call.

When I was in my twenties...
If I was out in the public,
I would have to seek out a telephone to make a call.
My legs would have to propel my body to a telephone.

When I was in my twenties...
If my attention was focused on something in my hand,
When I was on the street walking somewhere,
That object in my hand would be... a book!

When I was in my twenties...
I always knew what was happening around me.
I never walked into a wall and broke my nose because...
My very soul was blinded by a blinding cell phone!

Why are so many people soulless wanderers today?
Because they only interact with the images of electricity.
Only, this electricity never gives a lethal shock...
Until you walk in front of a bus and your neurons are extinguished! 

The world still moves around you with kinetic force,
Even while you bury your head in the cell phone sand.
And when someone dies two feet in front of you -- 
And you are oblivious -- It is time to drop that goddamn smart phone!


Tuesday, September 17, 2013


I've grow from an underfoot scraggly seedling,
Over the time of many hard years,
Into a craggy hardened rough barked tree.
My rough sharp edged skin now deflects human horrors.

I've learned the hard way that...
Instead just taking shit from worthless people,
And just holding in my anger until it destroys me,
I have to take the soul destroying shit thrown at me,
Processes it like a sewage processing plant,
And then give it back to the original author cleaned of their derision.

It is an insidiously beautiful plan of revenge, 
Isn't it?


Sunday, July 28, 2013

The Shade Of The Joshua Tree

The Shade Of The Joshua Tree
Joshua Tree, California

Where can I go…
To find… a place…
Where I can… live…
My life… in peace?

Where can I go…
To escape the injustice…
That continues to rot away
At my African-American Soul?

I am just a back broken black American wanting a stake…
Who’s trying to live my American life without the dents.
I just want to catch one 1% break…
To feel like my life’s worth two bloody cents.

Will anybody on the other side of The Joshua Tree…
Make the effort to include me in the game of American life?
How about allowing this 13% American refugee…
A slice of the guilt free American pie you enjoy without strife.

Where can I go to grow above the racial dividing pack?
I want to walk out my front door… without fear.
I want to go where I want to go without looking back…
To disrespect a zealot, hangout on a corner and  praise a beer.

They only need one reason to incarcerate me.
The color of my skin gives them the reason to suspect me.
The worthless value of American black’s is too sad to see.
The tide is coming in and it is from a nasty, dirty sea!

Bullets fired from American guns strike everybody hard!
Ethnic crimes against themselves is a sad paradox, indeed.
I don’t need paranoid laws passed to target my regard.
How about a few realistic social realities to help us all succeed!

I’m a old black dude just trying to make through American life.
I never thought it would be this hard to give a good goddamn, in part!
They sure are making it harder to smile through the strife --
When they pass laws aimed at putting bullets into my black heart. 

Where can I go…
To find… a place…
Where I can… live…
My life… in peace?

Where can I go…
To escape the injustice…
That continues to rot away
At my African-American Soul?


Sunday, July 21, 2013

African-American DNA In American Soil

African-American DNA In American Soil

The thick, waterless blood of the first whipped slave off the slaver boat…
Dripped off his back down into the ripe North Carolina soil.
His thirsty body could not muster a scream…
As the lashes slashed raw whelps across his fevered skin.
He fell to the ground in soundless agony…
He was too dry and hungry and weak to cry out aloud.
The slavers whipped him without mercy until he died…
An example of the horrors to come for the rest of the stolen!

His name was unknown to anyone else!
The slavers forbid the slaves to communicate with each other.
Speaking was punishable by being thrown overboard to the sharks.
10 men died that way… and 3 women, too.
Suffering in silence was the way of the slave ships!
This was serious business and mutiny was not an option!
Bread and water, rats and cockroaches…
That was the food for the hungry stolen in the dank darkness!

And now that the slaves have finally been exposed to light and soil…
Their first experience on North Carolina soil is witness to a painful murder!
And as the slow march to the slave market begins…
The cuffs attached to the chains around their ankles cut their flesh.
And all of the slaves… men and women,
Spilt their blood along the trail of tears of the stolen and sold!
Their DNA merged with the fertile earth…
Giving their spirits and souls to the North Carolina earth.

The whipped spills their blood into the soil!
The decapitated spills their blood into the soil!
The hanged spills their blood into the soil!
The raped spills their blood into the soil!
The murdered spills their blood into the soil!
The buried spills their blood into the soil!
The vanished spills their blood into the soil!
The DNA of ten million lost black bodies is in the soil!

When you walk on the soil… You walk on slave blood DNA!
When you breath in your air… you breath in slave blood DNA!
When you dig in the soil… you dig in slave blood DNA!
When you eat your food… you eat slave blood DNA!
When you chop down a tree… you chop down slave blood DNA!
When you grow your crops… you grow them with slave blood DNA!
The DNA of ten million lost bodies gave their lives for your life!

Untrue… those lives were taken by human thieves of humans!
What man, stolen from family and homeland,
Would willingly give his life for slavers who beat, whipped and raped…
His life, his overworked body and his beautiful proud women!
The blood spilt upon the Tobacco soil is the blood of the damned!
The damned who were forced to spill their DNA across the land…
This American land -- of the home of the brave and the free…
If you happened to be the Cracker in possession of the bloodied whip!

How deep does the DNA of the ancestors of Africa soak into the soil?
How many thousands of gallons of red African blood lays beneath your feet?
If a gust of wind blows dust into your eyes and mouth…
Are you ingesting the blood DNA of the ancestors of slave death?
And if you live in a Southern USA state…
Are you not bathed in the blood of the dead, anyway?
When you take a shower during the time of your day, 
Are you not washing slave blood DNA all over your body?

The Oak tree spirits whisper at night when the midnight moon is high.
They tell each other dark tales of the old days in American history.
They talk about being forced accomplices of lynches and hangings!
They cried tree sap tears as they were forced to feed upon human DNA.
They remember the pure days before slavery blood DNA…
When the buffalo DNA gave them life without forced guilt!
But those days are done and gone forever.
In modern times it is guns and ammo sending DNA into the soil.

Today is a new day!
Today could be better than the day before…
But probably not… because of the shameful memories in the soil.
More black blood DNA is poured into the dirt daily.
From place to place… the shame continues, 
The legacy of spilt black blood DNA!
America should weep for the black blood DNA already present in the soil!
Are you not tired of ingesting… African-American black blood DNA?


Sunday, June 23, 2013

MIRROR MIRROR (the pain of racism reflected on my face)

arjayuniverse presents:



A man in mental pain stands before the mirror.
He looks into the painfully aged face reflected at him.
The years of a life, 54 years in the desert heat of oppression,
Paints a portrait once bright and clean -- now dirty and cracked!

The bloodshot eyes reflect the inner pain and pressure!
The furrowed brow formed from years of worry!
The gray hairs overtaking the black have won their battle!
The tear on the right cheek is runoff from a leaking soul!

What does the country he was born in want from him?
What more of his life and soul can he give to the place of his birth?
How much more of his blood and mind and sanity do they want?
When will they make the snipers stop shooting his blackness.

The Supreme Court of the country he lives in adds to his anxiety.
The Republican members, even the black one, are abjectly racist!
The television news show in the background touches the subject!
But, the threat of American black civil rights are assaulted every day!

He cannot trust white people any more.
Half of them say outright, to his face, that they hate his black skin.
The other half, the dirty sneaky bastard half…
They sneak into positions of power to steal away his breath at night.

White people with names like Cruz and Rubio…
These are the new bullets in the chamber of those who hate him.
They have introduced another infection into the racist caveat.
And his face shows another line of pain and fear with these thoughts!

Staring into the mirror minutes before it is time for bed car ruin a night!
How depressing is it to look into your face and see every hour of 54 years?
It is hard to answer a profound question like that when you are…
Weeping like a grieving mother who just wants the pain to go away!


Monday, February 25, 2013

Why Must I Believe In God

My ancestors have seen sadness, madness and death…
From the jungle green shores of mother Africa’s beautiful past,
And upon the froth tipped waves of the cold and dangerous sea,
Finally marched through malaria poisoned swamps off the Carolina shore!

My ancestors have seen sadness, madness and death…
Through the times of warrior respect upon the great Africans plains,
To the northern deserts of Ra, Nut, Osiris, Thoth, Anubis, Bastet…
And through the embracing of Anglo-Christian religious caveats!

My ancestors have seen sadness, madness and death…
Tho the gods of their fathers were killed through the slavery process,
Tho their beliefs were beaten, burned and raped away from their minds,
Tho terror and horror were the instruments of forced religious abdication!

My ancestors have seen sadness, madness and death…
While calling upon a god who never knew them in savage times…
While calling on a god forced upon them by men of the opposite color…
While begging for forgiveness from a god, from a land, they never knew!

My ancestors have seen sadness, madness and death…
From Christianity forced with black death by inquisition!
From Christianity forced by robed warriors of horses and swords!
From Christianity forced by men of languages who call upon death!

My ancestors have seen sadness, madness and death…
By the hands of emissaries of a silent god of Sadness!
By the hands of emissaries of a silent god of Madness!
By the hands of emissaries of a silent god of death!

My ancestors have seen sadness, madness and death...
While forgetting mother Africa's gods and Goddesses.
While forgetting... they have embraced the god of their oppressors!
While forgetting... they stole you from your mother land in the name of their God!


Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Early Thoughts

An African-American man awoke one cold winter morn,
His mind slowly erasing the dark fog of sleep outworn.
A sudden bit of clarity came to his mind,
He was instantly depressed, his mind in a bind...
What has he not done in the 50 years of his life not yet torn?

He has matured into a man from a source of racial strife.
His existence has been a series of attempts at a better life.
He has fought back the anger of his southern oppression,
He has come to terms with the need for constructive repression...
And he has come to terms with the need to not be a lowlife.

He can't continue to live in anger over the racism of the past.
He can't continue to walk through his life as a social outcast.
He's never really hated white people...
He's never wished any harm to those hostile!
The time is now for him to man up and remove the mental past.

He turned in his bed and looked at his clock.
Thirty more minutes until time to get up and be the rock.
Today would be a good day,
Lots of fun life and easy play.
To make sure this happened... leave his computer in its dock!



Saturday, February 16, 2013

What Be Thine Breaking Point, Women?

A man kills a woman somewhere in the world today.
What matters, the means, by which he does what he may!
He killed a woman, the life giving center of the universe...
By what rip in the fabric of reason is the impetus for this curse?

Nature placed within women the desire to, generally, seek men to date...
To be drawn toward certain men, whom with, they might mate.
Thank the universe's grand plan for continuation of the species...
Because, unbelievably, why do women put up with men's twisted miseases?

Men's aggression's, their obsessions and their regressions...
Why would a woman want to make a man one of her possessions?
Men are war-like beasts of burden, misunderstood creatures of delusion...
And even their own parents cannot come to a right conclusion!

The medical professions of this world we all live on today...
It needs to gather together and decide to fix men's need to flay!
Guns and war and violence and rape and torture and bombs and gore...
How much more destruction can man bring to an earth crying, "No more!"

And the women... oh my, the women of this broken planet of suicide!
When will they finally decide enough is enough of the female genocide!
Let me live long enough to see human kind rise up from derision deep...
Before women start slicing men's throats in the middle of their sleep!


Thursday, January 24, 2013

Winter Realities

How odd, one might ask of another, does the area weather cometh?
In the long hot months of the summer comes oppressive heat an humidity.
In winter time, Virginia can easily become an Ice Box filled with dry and ice.
And when the snow falls, for some, the summer is a far away love.
Bitter cold and snow makes for a strong bonded couple.
They team-up on the young, the old and the sickly…
Not being very nice to them as they attack their weaknesses.
And in January, April looks as far away as the stars in the sky.
But there is also beauty and fun in the bitter cold and snow.
Ask the children who are at play, braving winter’s brutality.
They remind the older folks of what it is to be alive and wanting.
Frown to a smile… why not see the beauty -- in winter’s paint brush strokes.

When The War Begins

America... take a good look at this picture from the west.
What do you see as you track the colors of this social test.
The one black man with his huge smile,
What job will he keep if he dumps on the pile...
And disagrees with the derision shared by the rest!
When this delusional internal war with the USA begins with the first shot,
I want the sane Americans to always remember who's brains are rot.
The color of their skin tells you who is crazed,
Because brown skinned Americans do not want America razed.
We respect America as the huge melting pot!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Day Two On The Hill

Well, another day has passed in the DC area bellow the Hill.
This Tuesday is a cold, sunny bright day of good will.
Let us all put forth good vibes to our battling leaders...
For them to get their acts together as they sit near their heaters...
And may they decide to stop hating, and instead, pass a bill!