I am a brown skinned American man.
I am a brown skinned American black man.
I am a brown skinned American black man belonging to who?
I am American!
I am American African!
I am American African Native...
I am American African Native American combined into a racist's wet dream!
I have lived half a century.
I have lived half a century introspectively.
I have lived half a century introspectively crying!
I have lived half a century introspectively crying for my lost humanity.
Being a black American sucks!
Being a black American sucks poison!
Being a black American sucks poison death!
Being a black American sucks poison death from lead bullets and politics!
My psyche is under assault.
My psyche is under assault, constantly.
My psyche is under assault, constantly daily.
My psyche is under assault, constantly daily by blackfaced racist!
I often wonder why.
I often wonder why hatred.
I often wonder why hatred exists.
I often wonder why hatred exists in racist minds in my American dream.
Who do I belong to?
Who do I belong to here?
Who do I belong to here today?
Who do I belong to here today as I search for my identity?
My American dream...
My American dream nightmare...
My American dream nightmare slices...
My American dream nightmare slices me to the core of my soul!
Is my soul mine?
Is my soul mine forever?
Is my soul mine forever, unless?
Is my soul mine forever, unless it is stripped from me by my racist country?
I am an American man.
I am a brown skinned American man.
I am a brown skinned American black man.
I am a brown skinned American black man belonging to who?